Meet our CEO & Founder
Linda Rigsby was raised on the South Side of Chicago by a hard-working single parent who
instilled Christian values and morals in her children. However, like most inner city youth, Linda
and her siblings were exposed to negative societal pressures that plagued many families in her
neighborhood. The death of her sister to drug abuse and the pain experienced by verbal and
physical abuse, Linda often would seek the comfort and guidance of God.
Linda knew that she needed to be healed from this trauma and her time with God revealed her
life’s work; to create a positive impact in the lives of other through love and compassion.
To turn her personal pain into purpose; thus, birthing the mission her outreach ministry has today.
Linda is a stage 3 breast cancer survivor that did not allow her circumstance to stop her from
accomplishing her goals and walking in her destiny. “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead,
being alone” (James 2:17), her faith in God keeps her working hard to help others.
You make go through the fire but you won’t smell like smoke- ( Daniel 3:27).